Investing in property: does it still make financial sense?

Investing in property: does it still make financial sense?

Property has been a popular investment for many years, yielding quick and high returns. Whilst the landscape had altered over recent years investing in property can still make financial sense. Some models of investing will provide quicker financial benefits than others. You may be surprised to learn that you can make a very healthy financial return from property investing without having to get your hands dirty.
Managing your own portfolio as a property investor can be a headache, making decisions about purchasing a property researching the area, managing your refurb teams and deciding what to do with your completed project can be quite an intricate and time consuming process. What may people don’t realise is that there is a way you can invest in property without having to take ownership of a building – so how can you do that?

Via indirect property investing.

What is indirect property investing?

Indirect property investing is investing in a property without buying a property – the whole process is managed by a professional developer and as the investor you get a return on your investment at set stages in the project.
With the My Ambition Properties model each project is funded by a handful of investors and the purchasing process and refurbishment is managed by us. You then get a monthly interest payment on your investment for 12 months after which you can take out your capital investment or reinvest into the next project.

'Christian is a pleasure to deal with. He is always happy to answer any questions I have regarding his business and my investment. Great return on my investment and more importantly prompt and timely payments are received.'

Property investment UK – the traditional method

Traditionally property investment models relied on buying at a low price, renovating and either selling on at a profit or renting it out.
It is often seen as the easiest investment structure to engage with; the process of identifying a property and purchasing it alone, funded either by existing or borrowed capital, then either selling it to make a one-time return on investment, or renting it out for a monthly income.
Whilst these are still viable options, we’re unlikely to see anything like the property price boom of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Indeed, prices have increased steadily since then, but generally landlords are less likely to benefit from soaring investment growth.
Higher tax bills, fewer benefits to landlords and rising maintenance costs mean that buy-to-let for many is less attractive that it once was. There’s also the impact of the pandemic, where some landlords lost rental income from tenants who lost their jobs.

Indirect property investments gives you a quicker return

This more modern approach to property investing is ideal for anyone looking to invest in property without having the risk of fluctuating price increases, rogue tenants or an uncertain housing market. With My Ambition Properties you will see better return on investment than on savings rates currently offered by the banks.
My Ambition Properties makes property investment simple, with investments from as little as £2,000 – you will get an annual return of 8%. Typically an investment period starts at 12 months, and at the end of this term you can choose to either reinvest your money into a new project or you can walk away. There is no catch.
Our approach to property investment is hassle free for our investors, unlike direct investing; you’re hands off, there’s no stressful purchase process, no involvement with builders and trades people or decisions about options to re-sell or rent.
Our broad knowledge of investment and development in the UK property market means we can have accurate and timely insight to the best investment opportunities. Our preferred investment area is South Wales where we have completed a number of projects to very high standards. We have strong relationships with property agents and developers in the South Wales area, meaning that we can access off market information and ensure purchases are made at the best prices.

“Delighted, satisfied & excited about being an investor in My Ambition properties.   It’s the easiest and quickest decision I ever made to invest.

3 reasons

1. A 1000 percent better return than my savings account with my capital totally secure.

2. Potential for further growth, expansion, future opportunities to invest

3. The most important one… Christian himself, who I’ve known personally for 25 years is dynamic, straightforward and the most trustworthy person I know.”

Our experienced team also work closely together to undertake a full, high quality refurbishment in order to command a high rental yield. This means that we offer our investors an annual return of 8%, which far outperforms a variety of consumer investments.

How to start investing in property today.

If you’ve been mulling over the best ways to invest in property but are not sure where to start, have only a little money to invest, or want to avoid the stress of managing a project, then the My Ambition Properties model is the ideal option for you.
On choosing to invest with My Ambition Properties, we will work swiftly to secure the next property investment. We operate a transparent and open process, ensuring you are kept regularly updated on progress. We maintain the highest standards <link to at all stages and achieve using our trusted team of highly skilled solicitors, RICS surveyors and builders.

You can choose your level of involvement, many investors choose to be hands off, but equally you
can visit our projects on site or interact virtually.

We’d be pleased to have a no-obligation chat, virtual or otherwise, where we can provide further
information and look to answer any questions you may have, please contact us here.